Step 1: Sign up / get assigned EC2 instance
Step 2: SSH into EC2 instance
Step 3: Start up the cluster by running the following commands

In [ ]:
cd ~/nexus/esip-workshop/docker/infrastructure
docker-compose up -d cassandra1
docker logs -f cassandra1

Step 4: Wait to see "INFO 01:57:02 Starting listening for CQL clients on /…" and then run

In [ ]:
docker-compose up -d

Step 5: Verify services are running using

In [ ]:
docker ps

There should be 9 containers running: 3 solr, 3 zookeeper, and 3 cassandra. If they are not all running, run docker-compose up -d again.

Step 6: Start the analysis cluster

In [ ]:
cd ~/nexus/esip-workshop/docker/analysis
docker-compose up -d

Step 7: Verify services are running using

In [ ]:
docker ps

There should be an additional 5 containers running: 3 mesos-agent, 1 mesos-master, 1 nexus-webapp

Step 8: Start the ingestion cluster

In [ ]:
cd ~/nexus/esip-workshop/docker/ingest
docker-compose up -d

Step 9: Verify services are running using

In [ ]:
docker ps

There should be an additional 9 containers running: 3 kafka, 3 xd-container, 1 redis, 1 mysqldb, 1 xd-admin

Ingest 2017 AVHRR data that has been staged under /home/ndeploy/ingest/data/avhrr/2017

Step 10: Deploy the stream to Spring XD using available inside xd-admin container

In [ ]:
docker exec -it xd-admin /usr/local/ --datasetName AVHRR_OI_L4_GHRSST_NCEI --dataDirectory /usr/local/data/nexus/avhrr/2017 --variableName analysed_sst --tilesDesired 1296